They're gonna be really quick because I need to play Infinite. And no particular order here because I think that would be too hard...
Greatest game of all time in my humble opinion. It was just perfectly balanced and done so well. I had enjoyed Zelda before, but this was the pinnacle. Played it in so many iterations including the new 3DS (hell, I have the Zelda 3DS). And LINK is the hero, Zelda is the PRINCESS...just saying.
A severely underrated title on the most underrated system of its generation (GameCube for those not in the know). So much imagination and style! Nothing before or since has captured Lovecraft in such a way. And the sanity system was ingenious!
Easily my favorite game of this generation. Not only was the gameplay pitch-perfect, the story was just jaw dropping. The twist is absolutely the best in gaming history.
Of course there was Mario before and Mario since, but as far as platformers go, this takes the cake. Nintendo really hit their stride with this one.
The most underrated game on the Original Xbox. I remember when it came out, I couldn't buy it at Best Buy, where I worked mind you, because we didn't carry it for 3 months which was too late. It was so critically acclaimed, but tanked. There's a following now, but it was such an original title and concept (by Tim Schaffer the MASTA!) that it might have been too out there for most people. The humor is just great and takes so much after the next game (which Schaffer worked on too).
I debated between this one and Maniac Mansion, but sometimes that one is a little unwieldy. DotT is pure magic. I still have the disc from when it first came out even though I can't play it on any computer now (although, I need to try a DOS emulator...hmmmm). I've played it through numerous times and would call it the best point and click adventure ever if it wasn't for Tim Schaffer's contribution to the genre...
I love to play RPGs and I love Mario, so this one is a natural fit. I've played them all in the series and they are all good in their own way, but this one is head and shoulders above the rest. The areas are all so imaginative and FUN!!!
Easily runner-up for best video game twist, but I think how impactful the twist is was dependent on how you played. Definitely the best story that Star Wars has had since Empire.
Best RE game ever. It also marked the end of the survival horror genre. Once this one was successful, they continued to strip out the creepy horror elements in favor of run and gun action that just took all the mood and ambiance out of it. Sigh. Even funner on the Wii...
The reason DotT isn't the best point and click ever. Tim Schaffer immersed you in a world that could only have come from his twisted mind: A film noir version of the land of the dead populated by calaveras. Colorful, inventive, and downright funny.
The Honorable Mentions:
These were very closely in the Top 10, but just missed. This was like Sophie's Choice...LOL.
Speaking of funny...this one made me laugh and laugh. Still does. It's potty humor, but intelligent potty humor (if that makes ANY sense).
Too recent to put in my Top 10, but great none-the-less. I like all the Elder Scrolls games, but here's where Bethesda got it mostly (with a few glitches that eventually got ironed out) right. With such a massive world and HOURS of quests to fill it with, it is just so amazing.
The last on my list is certainly not the least. A CD-Rom game that began the CD revolution but was quickly mostly forgotten. The company that made it is gone, but supposedly there is another follow-up in the works. Can't wait! I have the disc for this one too, but it doesn't run at all (and I've tried EVERYTHING...something to do with the video and audio card setups). I found it and "11th Hour" (sequel) that have been updated to work for newer computers for download, but I haven't done it yet. If you want a great puzzle game, here it is.