- I started listing and thought it would be tough, then realized I could do way more than 10. And even then, it's tough...especially trying to rank them.
- It's not always really a "villain", so I changed it to antagonist (and yes I'm a freak that way)

Another icon that waned as the series went on which is pretty standard for horror, but the bludgeoning of the first victim (and the subsequent lifelessness of the body) and the following slamming of the door in the original "Chainsaw" make me shudder every time I see it. Plus this is one of the few that's based on a real killer (Ed Gein...who shows up a little later too).
Zombies. Romero style is great, but the fast moving style of the Infected in "28 Days Later" is just way scarier (and you can argue until you're blue in the face that they aren't zombies, but the style and setup is exactly the same). And the church....heebie jeebies....
"Oh yes, they float, Georgie. They float. And when you're down here with me, you'll float too!" Enough said. Except they screwed it all up in the second half because Pennywise is replaced by that stupid spider!

Never saw the resemblance until now. Yes, I know, another clown, but dammit! Captain Spaulding is creepy as hell and funny as hell too. That scene in the car with the kid in "Devil's Rejects" is so perfectly played and eerie that you can't help but squirm a little in your seat for that kid.
You can't tell me you didn't scream (or at least gasp) at the end of "Alien" when you think she's gotten away and the Xenomorph starts to uncoil out of focus in the background. Another series that had it's low points (looking at you "Alien 3"), but never went into the realm of campy, cheesy, or bad unless you count the "Aliens Vs. Predator" movies which I don't, because I think the connection is stupid.
Michael Myers is an icon that I can get. At least up until "Halloween 5" (ok, 3 and 4 not withstanding lol) then they just get stupid, but at least he never went to SPACE!
Probably the least known here, especially to a younger audience, but the Tall Man and his spheres in the "Phantasm" movies still stand as some of my earliest memories of horror movies. A tall, gaunt, grim undertaker and his dwarf zombie minions sounds like a funny premise, but actually it is quite terrifying. If you've never seen one of them, go rent it. NOW.
I truly debated on putting Hannibal Lecter on this list because I'm not sure I really call "Silence Of The Lambs" and all the sequels "horror", but settled on putting him here because of that soul penetrating stare and flowery words that are describing the most grotesque of things. Buffalo Bill was another Ed Gein wannabe, but he never was the central scare. Him you kinda pitied, but NEVER Hannibal. The most famous serial killer that never existed.

Not the silly remake, and not any of the later ones (with the exception of "New Nightmare" which was actually pretty good...at least he never went to SPACE!

He's had so many incarnations and you could really lump most of the vampires of movie lore into one idea: Dracula! I almost put my favorite Dracula as the pic, then realized I didn't put him in my horror movie list, so...meh. He hypnotizes, evolves, and is always mesmerizing. Every generation has had some incarnation because the idea is just too damn alluring and when it's done well, it's pure gold. I hear there's a TV show in the works, so maybe that will be this generations (and I swear if any of you say we already have one in Edward Cullen I will find you and beat you).
Any of you that said "Ohhhhhh, The Devil!" or didn't know what this was need to go find a wooden spoon and smack your ass until you bleed. No, Regan McNeil was not possessed by The Devil, she was possessed by Pazuzu (pictured above in the 5 frames he's shown in the movie). Reason why this is number 1? Opposite of the reason of Dracula. It can't be duplicated and never has no matter how many times they've tried. "Exorcist III" and "Exorcism Of Emily Rose" were the closest (I'm sure I'll catch flack for this one), but because they went at it in a very different way in that it was concerned with the effects of the possession rather than the possession itself. I'm sure someone will try to remake this and fail miserably. Yet again I stress this is the only movie that I get spooked every time I see it and make a point to watch on Halloween.
Oh, and an honorable mention goes to...
The Castevets from "Rosemary's Baby" who define creepy, nosy neighbors. Oh, and The Devil...grumble, grumble, grumble.
I agree with most of this list...Except for Captain Spaulding, nothing Rob Zombie has done was ever "scary." Nor did it make me squirm, it made me check my watch. Aside from that gripe, solid list
Glad you like the list! I knew that one would be the most polarizing of the bunch since horror fans either really love House and Rejects or absolutely despise them. I liked them both, but HATED his remake of Halloween...he should stick to originals at the very least!
I, for one, was not a fan of ANY of Zombie's work to date, not saying it's the worst thing ever, but it is most definitely not my cup of tea. However, I will say that Halloween 2 that Zombie did had the best, most balls to the wall opening 20mins of any horror movie I've seen to recent memory. Then he undid himself by making it a dream, and for me, was all downhill after.
I never watched it. I was so disappointed in the first Halloween that I didn't even bother. Guess I will have to take a look if only for the first sequence...
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