I know, I know. Been a year since I posted last. I've been thinking of starting it up again for a while, but really didn't have something I really wanted to talk about. I thought overall it was a weak year for movies last year, so I wouldn't have had very many reviews (not enough movies drew me to the Theater, good or bad). This year looks to be much better and I have some nagging thoughts I want to vent here. I'll pop a few reviews in from last year here and there that people need to see.
To the topic at hand, I want to start by saying I really loved this one. I have a hard time deciding if this one or the first "Captain America" was better, but I certainly can say that after much reflection, both are decidedly better than "The Avengers". I don't want to get into it here, but I'm starting to really despise "The Avengers" for being called the greatest comic book movie ever (Next post will be more on that).
Summary from IMDB:
"Steve Rogers struggles to embrace his role in the modern world and
battles a new threat from old history: the Soviet agent known as the
Winter Soldier."
(I will say that that very last line is not clearly defined in the movie)
Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)
Technical (5) - Almost flawless. Especially considering the pedigree of the directors (
Community and
You, Me, and Dupree?!?), this is a phenomenal feat. I only had a small quibble with editing in one small scene that stuck in my head, but otherwise everything here works like gangbusters. The CGI is top-notch, the action sequences are well staged and edited, and the pacing (which somewhat has to do with scripting, too) is great. They know where to speed up and when to slow down. This isn't a non-stop action movie; there's room to breathe and get to know these characters and their motivations a little more. What's most interesting is the shift in tone and style from the first movie. It is really amazing that it works as well as it does. You go from a retro, sepia-tone, weekly serial style movie to a modern stylish action movie with a darker, more sinister tone and deliberate nods to the past movie that don't feel forced. It works very well and adds to the idea that Steve is a man out of time. I was slightly bothered by Cap's new uniform as the movie opened (star, but no red and white stripes like some of the comics), but there was a deliberate reason for it (you'll have to see it to know why I say that). So if you haven't seen the movie, give details like that a little time and it will make sense in the end.

One other little quibble that I can't fault the movie for because it has become so commonplace is product placement. There were several instances of blatant product placement (at least they were all American companies in a Captain America movie!) to the point where it made my eye twitch, but it didn't kill the movie. Mebbe I will post about that at a future date.
Script/Dialogue (5) - This is a really tight script from start to finish. I've heard some issues raised about the titular Winter Soldier missing for chunks of the movie, but I disagree. I think he's used sparingly in the beginning very deliberately as he is described as a "ghost". I was a bit disappointed that they didn't hold his identity secret in the lead-up (even though I'd figured it out from the first trailer) so the impact is not the same for the big reveal, but there are a couple of other surprises and twists that make up for that. The dialogue is not frivolous and some things that you think are come up later in the story. The conversations make sense and are not forced or silly. What works best is that there are honest and frank discussions of how war and peace is conducted in modern times, but it really doesn't ever get preachy and what is being said makes perfect sense for each character involved. I will say that feel quite a few echos from
The Dark Knight in the script which may or may not be a bad thing.
Acting (5) - All these actors are good in their roles. Probably the weakest link here is actually Scarlett Johansson. Someone mentioned to me that they are surprised that they don't have Black Widow with a Russian accent. You can easily say that it is all part of her spy craft, but I wonder if she just can't pull one off worth a damn. I've never thought she was an exceptionally good actress. The real winner here is actually Chris Evans. He embodies Steve Rogers so completely, he gives RDJ a real run for his money as the star of this whole enterprise. I feel like if Cap didn't work, "Phase 2", as Marvel calls it, wouldn't work. You've got an awesome pedigree here of the older and newer generation of actors and they work terribly well together.
Tilt (5) - Great movie. I don't really have much else to say than that. Really wild ride. I never looked at my watch and LOADS of stuff happened. Pacing really helped with that.
Total Score -5
Spot on review Harley!
Thank you Sir!
Been far too long, good review, I disagree on a couple things. It is not more than maybe a point's difference however, bravo.
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