Like I promised yesterday, I'm gonna outline why The Avengers isn't the greatest comic book movie of all time. That isn't to say that I don't like and enjoy the movie, it just isn't as flawless as the world makes it out to be. I'm sure this discussion will piss some people off, but honestly I don't really care. I concede that as with most things, what is the "best" is a purely subjective thing that can never be proven. That doesn't mean that it can't be categorically proven to NOT be the best.
I need to preface the rest of this by saying I will be comparing it often to another movie that is often brought up as a retort: The Dark Knight. I'm using this movie for a few reasons: 1) it is a fantastic example of the reasons The Avengers fails, 2) I've always liked DC comics more than Marvel (I will admit bias), 3) it is the best comic book movie ever. Ha.
The Major Plot Hole
Wait, There Is No Plot
Comic books have always had something to say. On the face they have always been just really well drawn (and longer) comic strips, but there has always been something deeper. Nationalism, racism, political unrest, and sociology have all been thoroughly explored in the pages of comics. They are a place for the writers and artists to vent frustrations or safely have conversations about the most controversial subjects of our time without (at least most of the time) doing it overtly. The Dark Knight explored several of these types of issues both overtly and subtly; like overreaching of government surveillance (the echo-locator), socioeconomic disparity (the Joker's many sociological experiments), and political climate change. Winter Soldier tackled some of these same issues and that's why it is more successful than The Avengers in my book.
All that The Avengers did was barely touch on distrust of the government and then swiftly swept it under the rug to focus on rag-tag-group-needs-a-reason-to-band-together-to-save-the-world. Like THAT hasn't been done 100s of times before.
Action, Action, Action
In conclusion, I hope I've brought up some points that will make you rethink your position on The Avengers. Notice that I never said The Avengers was a bad movie because it isn't. I really enjoy the movie for what it is: a fun popcorn movie. Just don't try and make it what it isn't: the greatest comic book movie ever.
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